Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Art Challenge Entries - Vote Here!

Here are the 15 entries in our optional art challenge. View them using the slideshow below, and then vote for your favorite piece of artwork on the poll. (Voting is limited to students with a school Google account.)
Make your selection Here. Just vote for the one you like the best, regardless of who the artist might be. (You will need to login to your Google account to access the poll.)

Opinion Essay Challenge - Tie Breaker!

The essay challenge was supposed to have ended yesterday. However, after a total of 73 votes, there was a three-way tie in Mr. Salsich's homeroom!

(*See below for the winning essay in Mrs. McGowan's homeroom.)

Therefore, we are going to have another vote, this time with just the three top essays. This time, voting will also be limited to students within our district.

Below are the three final essays, followed by a new poll for selecting your favorite.
Vote for your selection here (limited to students)
In Mrs. McGowan's homeroom, the winning essay was "Help save The Chickens." Congratulations to all of the finalists!


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Opinion Essay Challenge - Vote For Your Favorite!

(Voting will close Monday, March 13 at 2:00 pm)

Our most recent blog post assignment was to write an opinion essay about a topic that interested us.

We needed to write a clear introduction, include three supporting reasons in separate sentences, use transitional phrases to link ideas together, and end with a concluding paragraph.

Mr. Salsich selected five essays from each homeroom as finalists for a challenge to see which essays would earn the writers a tin of controversial putty!

Does this stuff help people think, or just make them crazy?
Please take a few minutes to read the essays below and then vote for the one you like the best.

These are the finalists from Mrs. McGowan's homeroom:
(If it's easier to read them in a separate tab, click the expand arrow in the right corner.)


Vote for your favorite essay from Mrs. McGowan's class here: (You'll need to be logged in to your Google account to vote.)


And these are the finalists from Mr. Salsich's homeroom: (If it's easier to read them in a separate tab, click the expand arrow in the right corner.)


Vote for your favorite essay from Mr. Salsich's class here: (You'll need to be logged in to your Google account to vote.)

Thanks for your participation!
